Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Branching out.

We are being encouraged at college to create animations (simple is good) so that our work breaks away from paper. So I took photos while painting the rose and bee motif. Setting the camera up on a small tripod and the tripod up on several recipe books, an atlas and an all important notebook to achieve the right height.

There was a slight problem in that I didn't get the painting done on the same evening - and therefore, nor the photos - and things had been moved! So there was a whole size discrepancy when I cropped the later pictures on Photoshop to hide the movement and then found out the canvas size to be different and needed to infill them to correct this. I was very chuffed when I learned to use the record Action button on Photoshop as that cut out having to individually import and alter about 100 pictures.

As with learning anything new, it all took a very long time to put together and ended with a very short, very amateur film, but I'm pleased.

It really is short, but happy!